Coins of al-Andalus Tonegawa collection

ALMORAVIDS  المرابطون       

  • Silver & copper
    • by rules
    • anonymous
Abu Bakr ibn `Umar 450- 480 / 1058- 1087          أبو بكر بن عمر

Yusuf ibn Tashfin 480 – 500 / 1087- 1106            يوسف بن تاشفين

without mention of heir 480- 497 / 1087- 1103 

with heir ‘Ali 497-500 / 1103- 1106   

‘Ali ibn Yusuf 500-537 / 1106- 1143                         علي بن يسوف
without mention of heir 500- 522 / 1106- 1128

Tasffin ibn ‘Ali 537-540 / 1143- 1145                      تاشفين بن علي
without heir 537- 539 / 1143- 1145 

with heir Ibrahim 539-540 / 1144- 1145

Iskhaq ibn ‘Ali 540-541 / 1145-1147                       إسحاق بن علي

Almoravids Anonymous Silver